
Tatsiana Pshihotskaya

Contact info:

About me:

I am a junior front-end developer.

I have a great desire to develop and improve in the field of Frontend development as a specialist.

I have little experience of the creating websites (landing page) made with Wordpress CMS.

Also I have experience of the administering and website promoting, the creating and the managing of the advertising campaigns in Yandex and Google, and also experience of development of the advertising models for print and the web.

I am responsible for the performance of my work. I can work in multitasking and do it qualitatively. I study on my own and develop my skills in the field of Frontend development.


Code example:

The task from Codewars:

You are given two interior angles (in degrees) of a triangle. Write a function to return the 3rd. Note: only positive integers will be tested.

The solution of the task:

const highAndLow = (numbers) => {
	let sortArray = numbers.split(' ').sort((a, b) => a - b);
	return (sortArray.slice(-1)).concat(sortArray.slice(0, 1)).join(' ');

Work experience:

Education and courses:



The books I have read and completed all the tasks in them:

  1. Head First JavaScript, by Michael Morrison.
  2. Head First HTML and CSS, by Freeman E., Robson E.
  3. JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming, by Nick Morgan.


English level: A2

(I have learned English for beginners using ESHKO tutorial and continue to learn English in Duolingo).

I can speak English and sometimes use a google translate.